

Curriculum Vitae
24 July 2014
Professor of Pediatrics and Neuroscience
Professor of Psychology in Psychiatry
Harvard Medical School
Professor of Education
Harvard Graduate School of Education
Richard David Scott Chair in Pediatric Developmental Medicine Research
Boston Children’s Hospital
Primary Office:
Division of Developmental Medicine
Director, Laboratories of Cognitive Neuroscience
Children’s Hospital Boston
1 Autumn Street
Suite AU621
Boston, Massachusetts 02215
Secondary Office :
704 Larsen Hall
Graduate School of Education
Harvard University
Cambridge, MA 02138
Office: 617.355.0401
Laboratory: 617.355.0400
E-mail: charles.nelson@childrens.harvard.edu
B.A. McGill University Montreal, Canada 1975
Psychology, Honours
M.S. University of Wisconsin Madison, Wisconsin 1976
Educational Psychology
M.S. University of Wisconsin Madison, Wisconsin 1977
Ph.D. University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas 1981
Child and Developmental Psychology
Postdoc University of Minnesota Minneapolis, Minnesota 1981-1983
 Honours in Psychology, McGill University (1975)
 Who’s Who in America
 Who’s Who in the World
 Directory of American Scholars
 McKnight-Land Grant Professorship, University of Minnesota (1986–1988)
 Joseph P. Kennedy Award
 Core Group Member, MacArthur Foundation
 Research Network on Psychopathology and Development (1994– Present)
 Fellow, American Psychological Society
 Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science
 Fellow, American Psychological Association
 Chair, MacArthur Foundation Research Network on Early Experience and Brain
Development (1998– 2005)
 Distinguished McKnight University Professor, University of Minnesota (1998– 2005)
 Nancy M. and John E. Lindahl Professor for Excellence in Teaching and Learning,
University of Minnesota (2002– 2005)
 Honorary Member, Romanian Academy of Medical Sciences
 Richard David Scott Chair in Pediatric Developmental Medicine Research, Children’s
Hospital Boston Harvard Medical School (2005– Present)
 Honary M.S. Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts 2005
 Knowles Scholar, Harvard College (2008, 2010)
 Certificate of Merit Co-Author of Award-Winning Essay, Art and Science Category, Plastic
Surgery Education Foundation Awards (2009)
 Resident Fellow, Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio Center (2011)
 Doctor Honoris Causa, Bucharest University (2011)
 Astor Visiting Professor lecture, Department of Experimental Psychology, Oxford
University (2011)
 Honorable Mention in Biological Psychiatry, Ziskind-Somerfeld Research Award, 2012
 Leon Eisenberg Award, Harvard Medical School, 2013
 Elected, American Academy of Arts and Sciences (2013-)
 Maureen Evans Award, Joint Council on International Children’s Services, 2013
2014-Present Professor, Harvard Graduate School of Education
2014-2015 Adjunct Professor of Psychology, Brandeis University
2009 – Present Professor of Psychology in Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School
2007 – Present Professor in the Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences,
Harvard School of Public Health
2006– Present Visiting Professor, Department of Psychology and Education, Bucharest
2006– Present Faculty Affiliate, Program in Neuroscience, Harvard University
2005– Present Member of the Faculty, Graduate School of Education, Harvard University
2005– Present Professor of Pediatrics and Neuroscience, Harvard Medical School
2005– Present Richard David Scott Chair in Pediatric Developmental Medicine Research,
Children’s Hospital Boston
2005– Present Director of Research, Developmental Medicine, Children’s Hospital Boston
2002– 2005 Nancy M. and John E. Lindahl Professor for Excellence in Teaching and Learning
2000– 2005 Co-Director and Founder, Center for Neurobehavioral Development, University
of Minnesota
1998– 2005 Distinguished McKnight University Professor
1998– 2005 Professor, Department of Psychiatry
1998– 2005 Professor, Department of Neurology
1996– 2005 Professor, Department of Radiology
1993– 2005 Professor, Institute of Child Development, University of Minnesota
1993– 2005 Professor, Department of Pediatrics, University of Minnesota
1993– 2005 Professor, Program in Neuroscience, University of Minnesota
1993– 1998 Director of Graduate Studies, Institute of Child Development, University of
1992– 1993 Associate Professor, Department of Pediatrics, University of Minnesota
1988– 1993 Associate Professor, Institute of Child Development, University of Minnesota
1988– 1993 Associate Professor, Program in Neuroscience, University of Minnesota
1986– 1988 Assistant Professor, Institute of Child Development, University of Minnesota
1986– 1988 McKnight-Land Grant Professor, Institute of Child Development, University of
1983– 1986 Assistant Professor, Department of Psychological Sciences, Purdue University
1981– 1983 NICHD Postdoctoral Fellow, Institute of Child Development, University of
1978– 1981 BEH and NICHD Predoctoral Trainee, Department of Human Development,
University of Kansas
1976– 1978 Research Assistant, Department of Psychology, University of Wisconsin
1975– 1976 Project Assistant, Wisconsin Research and Development for Cognitive Learning,
University of Wisconsin