Ciprian Fartușnic is senior researcher at Institute of Education Sciences Romania, head of the Education Policies department. He is involved in various national and international research projects and also works as an expert for European Commission, UNICEF Romania, World Bank, National Agency for Education and Training European Programmes (ANPCDEFP), National Agency for Quality Assurance in the Pre-University Education (ARACIP) and National Center for VETAgency for Qualifications (CNDIPT).
The main expertize fields of Ciprian Fartușnic are education policy design and evaluation, access to education of social and economic disadvantaged groups, philosophy and sociology of education, motivation for learning.
- Surname: FARTUSNIC
- First name: CIPRIAN
- Date of birth: 15th of August 1975
- Nationality: Romanian
- Civil status: Married
- Education:
Institution | Bucharest University, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences |
Date | December 1999 – May 2008 |
Degree(s) or Diploma(s) | Ph. D. in Social and Political Sciences |
Institution | Bucharest University, Faculty of Philosophy |
Date | 1998-2000 |
Degree(s) or Diploma(s) | M.A. in Public Policies |
Institution | Bucharest University, Faculty of Philosophy |
Date | 1994-1998 |
Degree(s) or Diploma(s) | B.A. in Philosophy (Moral And Political Philosophy) |
- Language skills (1 = excellent; 5= basic):
Language | Reading | Spoken | Written |
English | 1 | 2 | 2 |
French | 1 | 2 | 3 |
Spanish | 3 | 5 | 5 |
Romanian – mother tonngue |
- Membership of professional bodies:
- PASCAL OBSERVATORY Network, EEIPPEE, Tools Network, IERG (Simon Frazer University, Canada).
- Other relevant skills:
- Training and teaching
Institution/Programme | Position | Area | Target group |
Trainer within the Phare 2004 Program Establishment of the National Autohority for Qualifications (2007), CINOP Advies. | Local trainer | Ocupational analysis, standards and qualification development and certification | CNFPA experts, sectoral committees members and experts |
National Institute of Public Administration | Trainer | Evaluation of local public policiesPCM | Local council representatives |
Socrates/Grundtvig Program
TooLs Training Project ( |
Trainer of Trainers | Evaluating and valuing competences acquired in non-formal environmentsTooLs methodology | Trainers |
Leonardo da Vinci Program / Evaluation of Transversal Competences EVA | Expert | Transversal Competence Assessment | Companies and employees in metal sector |
Leonardo da Vinci Program / Competences for Knowledge SocietyCKS | Expert | Development of new competences in knowledge society | Companies and employees in SMEs |
Leonardo da Vinci Program / Training LINKS | Trainer | Companies role in standards development | Employers associations and decision makers |
European Training Foundation / Institution Building Project | Trainer | Human resources development | Sectoral committees, trade unions, employers organisation |
European Training Foundation / Skills Survey | Expert | Labor market analysis | Employers organization, trade unions, companies |
World Bank/ Rural Education Project | Trainer | Developing a system of data collection and administration | County experts project implementation team |
Education 2000+ / Equal Chances | Trainer/expert | Communicating strategies in education and training | Local authorities, companies and NGOs |
UNICEF / Education Priority Areas | Trainer | Project management, developing partnerships | School management, teachers, parents |
UNICEF / Development of anti-violence policies | Trainer | Institutional and local anti-violence policies | Decision makers, experts, school management, teachers, parents |
UNICEF / Gender sensitive policies in education and training | Trainer | Promoting gender partnership policies | School principals, Experts in education and training |
Bucharest University,National School of Government,
“Titu Maiorescu” University, “Petrol si Gaze” University Ploiesti |
Tutor for on-line courses | Educational policies, project management, European integration | Undergraduate and post-graduate (MA) students |
- Evaluation
- Member of the evaluation team elaborating the education and training system analysis for the Ministry of Education, 2014-2020 programming period.
- Co-ordinator of the evaluation team for the training program Cadru Didactic – Un profesionist în sistemul de învățământ, POSDRU/87/1.3/S/53889, promoted by UMPFE (2011-2013)
- Member of the European Commission evaluation team, Framework 7 Program, Call FP7-SSH-2013-2 (2013)
- Member of the European Commission evaluation team, Framework 7 Program, Call FP7-SSH-2012-1 (2012)
- Member of the local evaluation team SOP HRD, ad-hoc evaluation Axis 5.1 (Kantor and KPMG, 2010/2011)
- Member of the evaluation team for the program,,Parteneriate active şcoală-întreprindere pentru îmbunătăţirea formării profesionale iniţiale – PAŞII FPI”, promoted by CNDIPT, POSDRU/85/1.1/S/63196 (2011-2013).
- Co-ordinator of the evaluation team for the program Măsuri complementare de finanţare a mobilităţilor COMENIUS 2011, ANPCDEFP (2011)
- Member of the evaluation team, functional analysis of the in-service national training system in Romania, ISE (2009).
- Member of the evaluation team of the existing policies for integration of SEN children in mainstream education (2009).
- Member of the evaluation team, Assessment of compulsory education extension policy, UNICEF (2007);
- Local expert, Ex-ante evaluation of Sectoral Operational Programme HRD 2007- 2013 (2006);
- Member of the evaluation team, Transversal evaluation of Rural Education Program, World Bank (2005-2006)
- Member of the evaluation team, Ex-post evaluation of the HRD Scheme within PHARE 2000 Program, ETF, 2006 (co-author)
- Member of evaluation committee for Romanian National Socrates Agency (Grundtvig 1 Program, Comenius Program) since 2001;
- Member of the evaluation committee Teacher Exchange Program, Fulbright Commission – 2003;
- Observer of evaluation process – 2nd Call for PHARE – Human Resources Development Program, representative of EU Delegation in Romania for Regional Development Agency Center – 2002;
- External evaluator for 2000+ Education Center, Member of Soros Foundation Network (Project : Equal chances – School Development in Rroma Communities, 2001 – 2004);
- Programme evaluator within National Observatory Romania, in the field of education, training and labor market policies (since 1999);
- Evaluator within the Romanian Academic Society, Romanian Center for Public Policies, education policies field- since 1996.
- External evaluator for Leonardo da Vinci Programme, 1998-2001.
- Management of European and international projects in the field of education and human resources development (Programmes financed by: European Comission – Leonardo da Vinci, Socrates; European Training Foundation; UNICEF, World Bank; World Learning; Open Society Foundation etc.)
- Contribution to policy formulation and advocacy projects:
- 2012-20013 Member of the expert team Programming Period 2014-2020, education and lifelong learning area;
- 2012-2013 Member of the expert team reporting on the progress made by the Ministry of Education in the action plan based on the World Bank Functional Review;
- 2009-2012 Co-ordinator of the national review of Out of School Children in Romania, UNICEF and UNESCO Institute of Statistics;
- 2012-2013 Member of the expert team reviewing the ISCED classification in education and LLL system in Romania;
- 2008-2010 Member of the Ministry of Education advisory group, Descentralisation of Education System in Romania;
- 2005-2013: Member of the expert team elaborating the Report on Status of Education, presented by the minister of education to Romanian Parliament
- 2002-2004: Member of the joint expert team Country Monograph on Employment policies and LLL in Romania, European Training Foundation;
- 2001-2003: Assessment and policy recommendation for implementing Socrates and Leonardo da Vinci Programs in Romania;
- 2000-2002 : Develompent of National Strategy for Human Resources Development in Romania;
- 2000-2002 : Strategy for increasing school participation of Rroma students;
- 1998-2000 : Strategy for rural education development in Romania.
- PC Skills: MS Office Package, SPSS, E-learning platforms (i.e. Moodle)
- Present position: Senior Researcher
- Years within the firm: 14
- Key qualifications:
- Educational policies (system evaluation, policy implementation, policy evaluation, lobby) and educational systems evaluation.
- European policies in the field of education, initial and continuing training and human resources development
- Link of education and training with labour market
- Local administration and local policies (with a focus on social services), regional development
- Civil society organisations involved in educational policy-making process
- Rural education, disadvantaged areas and social inclusion policies in the field of education, training and human resources development.
- Specific experience in the region
Country | Date | Name and brief description of the project |
Bulgaria, Poland, Hungary | 2004-2005
2000-2002 |
Comparative study on European Higher Education Mobility Programmes: case study of Erasmus Program in Romania and Bulgaria (Funded within the framework of Socrates Observation Action)
Accountable Government. Investigating the Transparency of National Authorities in Bulgaria, Romania and Slovakia (Funded by Freedom House)
Evaluating IVET Systems (Funded within the framework of Leonardo da Vinci Program, Pilot Projects) |
Moldova | 1999-2002
2001 |
Social Impact of Continuous Vocational Training. Comparative study on Romania, Ukraine and Moldova (Funded by European Training Foundation)
Reforming the National Education System. Training of Moldavian Decision Makers in Education (National Observatory Moldova, East – East Program)
Ukraine | 1999-2002 | Social Impact of Continuous Vocational Training. Comparative study on Romania, Ukraine and Moldova (Funded by European Training Foundation) |
- Professional Experience record:
Date: | Since January 2011 |
Location: | Bucharest, 37 Stirbei Voda, sector 1, 70732 |
Company: | Institute of Educational Sciences |
Position: | Deputy Director |
Description: | Assisting the Director of ISE in planning, monitoring and evaluation of ISE projects included in the |
Date: | Since 1998 |
Location: | Bucharest, 37 Stirbei Voda, sector 1, 70732 |
Company: | Institute of Educational Sciences |
Position: | Senior Researcher, Education Policies Department |
Description: | Conducting applied research projects in the field of:
Date: | Since 2005 |
Location: | Bucharest |
Company: | National School of Political Sciences and Administration (SNSPA), Faculty of Communication |
Position: | Associated Teacher |
Description | Course in education policies (MA level) |
Date: | From 1999 to 2005 |
Location: | Bucharest, 37 Stirbei Voda Street |
Company: | Romanian National Observatory |
Position: | Policy Expert |
Description | Analyst of vocational education and training policies (initial and continuing) and of active labour market policies. |
- Relevant publications:
- Eckhert et all. (2011) Quality in Developing Learning Cities and Regions – A Guide for Practitioners and Stakeholders, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich.
- Fartușnic et all (national contributor, 2011). Social and Economic Conditions of Student Life in Europe. Synopsis of indicators. Final Report. Eurostudent IV 2008-2011, Bielefeld: W. Bertelsmann Verlag Gmbh&Co.
- Fartușnic et all. Employees at risk on the labour market, PREZENT Project, Observatory for LLL Development, 2011.
- Fartușnic, C and Apostu, O. The impact of Comenius Mobility Program 2009-2011, ANPCDEFP, 2011.
- Mendez, M. (coord.) Strategic practices for know-how transfer at the work place, SKRAT project, Fundacion Metal Asturias, 2010.
- Fartușnic, C. Policy Brief on up-scalling Priority Education Area projects in Romania. UNICEF, 2010.
- Popenici, S. and Fartușnic, C. Motivation for learning. Didactica Publishing House, Bucharest, 2009.
- Bîrzea, C. and Fartușnic, The second Transition: challenges for the Romanian education system in Georgescu (coord) Reprefesionalisation of Romania, IPID, 2009.
- Jigău, M. (coord.) Continuing Vocational Training in Romania, Institute of Education Sciences, 2009.
- Jigău, M. (coord.) Continuing Training in Romania, Institute of Education Sciences, 2009.
- Fartuşnic, C and Ioniţă, S. Lights and shadows in Romanian schools, SAR şi Brookings Institution, 2008 ( available at:
- Fartuşnic, C. and Măntăluţă, O. The new public management in decentralized education policies în Păunescu, M. (coord.) Public management in Romania, Iaşi, Ed Polirom, 2008 (ISBN 978-973-46-0950-5)
- Jigău, M. (coord.) Compulsory education of 10 years. Implementing conditions, results and corrective measures, Alpha MDN, Buzău, 2008.
- Fartuşnic, C et al. Didactic strategies for students with ADHD, Didactica Publishing House, Bucharest, 2008 (ISBN 978-973-88675 -5 -0)
- Jigău, M. (coord.) Student time budget, Ed. Alpha MDN, Buzău, 2008.
- Caprini et al Elaboration and review of national occupational standards and qualifications, CINOP, Class Management Consultants, Ed. Aso Print Profile, Bucharest, 2008.
- Caprini et al. User guide for elaboration and review of national occupational standards and qualifications, CINOP, Class Management Consultants, Ed. Aso Print Profile, Bucharest, 2008.
- Fartuşnic, C Global Processes: What Has Education to Learn from Globalization în Tat, A. şi Popenici, Ş. (coord) Romanian philosophical culture, globalization, and education, Council for Research in Values and Philosophy, Washington, D.C. 2007.ISBN 9781565182424
- Education Priority Areas – Pilot intervention project for social and economic disadvantaged areas with special focus on Rroma population, UNICEF, Ed. Alpha MDN, Buzau, 2006 (contributor)
- Prevention and intervention in the case of school violence. A practical guide for school principals and teachers, Institute of Educational Sciences, Ministry of Education and Research, UNICEF, Ed. Alpha MDN, Buzau, 2006 (contributor)
- Compendium for valuing the gender dimension in education. Guide for self-assessment and assessment of the schools from the gender perspective. Glossary for teachers, Institute of Education Sciences, UNICEF, Ed. Prompt Promotion, Bucharest, 2006 (contributor)
- The ex-post evaluation of the pre-ESF 2000 HRD grant scheme, Romanian National Observatory, 2006 (contributor)
- Status of the Education in Romania, Ministry of Education Report presented in the Romanian Parliament (2006)
- Indicators for Education and Training – Comparative study -, Ministry of Education and Research, Project for rural Education, Bucharest, 2005 (contributor)
- Implementation of the Methodology of the Project Monitoring and Evaluation System. Base Line Study 2005, Ministry of Education and Research, Project for rural Education, Bucharest, 2006 (contributor)
- National Report on Socrates Program (2000-2003), Bucharest, Ed. Trei, 2004. (
- Education for democratic citizenship. From policy to effective practice through quality assurance. Stocktaking Research – Romania, 2003 (coauthor)
- Violence in School, Institute of Educational Sciences, UNICEF, Ed. MarLink, Bucharest, 2004 (contributor)
- Perspectives on gender dimension in education, Institute of Educational Sciences, UNICEF, Ed. MarLink, Bucharest, 2004 (contributor)
- Country Monograph on Vocational Education and Training and Employment Services, Romanian National Observatory, 2003 (specific contribution to ETF authors team), 2003 (
- Skills Audit Survey in Romania, Romanian National Observatory, 2003 (coauthor);
- Lifelong learning – a priority of educational policies in Romania. Survey on key messages of EC Memorandum on Lifelong Learning. Bucharest: National Romanian Observatory, 2002 (coauthor)
- Feasibility study on the continuation and extension of the structural reform of the Vocational Education and Training (VET) within the Educational System of Romania, Romanian National Observatory, 2002.
- School participation of roma population. Problems, solutions, actors. Institute of Educational Sciences, Bucharest, 2002. (coauthor)
- Social Impact of CVT in Romania Bucharest: National Romanian Observatory, 2001 (coauthor);
- Rural education in Romania: conditions, problems and development strategies. Bucharest: Institute of Educational Sciences, 2000. (coauthor);
- The impact of Socrates Program in the context of educational reform in Romania 1997-1999. Bucharest: Ed. Trei, 2000;
- VET research in Central and Eastern Europe. Romanian Report, (coordinator)
- Modernization of vocational education and training in Romania. National Report – Romania. Bucharest: National Romanian Observatory, 2000 (coauthor);
- Ilyna, O. (coord.) VET research in Central and Eastern Europe. Romanian Report, CEDEFOP, 1999.
- Hegedus J.(coord.) with Ionita S., Fartusnic, C., Navruzov Y. and Sebok O. Non- Tax and Off- Budget Revenues in Three CEE Local Governments– a study on Hungary, Ukraine and Romania, Prepared by the MRI for consideration by the Local Government Initiative (an affiliate of the Open Society Institute), 1999.
- The professional integration of vocational and secondary school graduates, European Training Foundation, Romanian National Observatory, Bucharest , 1998 (coauthor);